Monday, May 9, 2011

Jonathan Lee(李宗盛)

Jonathan Lee(born no July 19, 1958 in Taipei,Taiwan)is a Taiwan songwriter and musician.In twenty-two,he has organized and participated in "木吉他合唱團" and he also joined the "Rolling Stones album" that changed his all of his life.He dosen't have any music background,he is a gas shop owner's son.Before he became famous,he has to prove that has ability to make money to his family.At that time everything is not sure,he ask himself:"Will I be a gas deliveryman all of his lifetime."He shouted:"I'm scared to death! So, I write songs desperately.If the next album is not red, I'll go back and carry the gas out."
In 2003,he moved to Beijing to established guitar studio and started learning making the guitar,this is another turning point in life.Before forty,he create music,and after forty,he make guitar.He said:"I never leave the music,to this day,I still think i'm a undoubted musicman."
In 2008~2010,"李宗盛,羅大佑,周華健,張震嶽" make up a new band--縱貫線(Superband),this proves he still exists in the stage.
In the end,introduce two songs:
the first one is his new work in "Superband Tour" --"給自己的歌" Below is its link
The second is my favorite work--"凡人歌" below is its link


  1. Jonathan Lee is a talented person who became a famous musician from gas shop owner's son. His story tells us that everything can be changed. If you work hard, I haven’t seen him on the stage for a long time. Thank you for telling us that he make up a new band--縱貫線 with羅大佑,周華健 and 張震嶽. I love his song named 希望. This song is about children and hope. Maybe you have heard it before.

  2. I have ever listened,it's a very warm song.But all of his songs that I like the best is "凡人歌."
